抱拙,即“抱朴守拙”的哲学思想,源自《老子》"见素抱朴,少私寡欲" 。成器铁骨苍劲,气象厚重,养成后温润拙朴,承载着时间的印记,值得珍藏。
Embrace clumsiness, that is, "embracing simplicity and guarding clumsiness" philosophical thought from the "Laozi" "see vegetarian embracing siplicity, less self-interested and less desirous" into the iron bones of a strong, heavy meteorological, and after the cultivation of the warmth of thesimplicity of the bearer of the imprint of time, it is worth treasuring.

采用似国画中枯笔焦墨的笔法,描 摹壶身纹理,呈现黄金粗粝的金属 质感,以粗朴成雅器,藏巧于拙、 以退为进。
Using the brushwork similar to the dry brush and scorched ink in Chinese painting, trace the texture of the pot body, presenting the metal texture of gold and coarse, using the rough and simple to become elegant, hiding the clever in the clumsy, retreating to advance.

Decades old

purple clay

存世量有限的老紫泥,历经数十年陈 腐,老紫泥在“利茶性”这一核心优势 上,可与优质紫砂泥料底槽清媲美 可有效提升口感。
The limited amount of old purple clay, which has been aged for decades, is comparable to the high quality Zisha clay, Dichaoqing, in terms of its core advantage of being "tea-friendly", which effectively enhances the taste.

Handmade Spirit

采用80目原矿泥粉,13年老师傅手 拉坯, 高难高整修出错位胎体, 成壶 后进行明针工艺,在坯体上进行 刮压, 使器表细腻,利于养壶。
Using 8o mcsh mincral mud powder, 13 ycars oldmaster hand pull the blank, high difculty and bighrcpair out ofthe misalignment ofthe body, afier thpot into thc ncodle process, scraping on the body, sochat the table is delicate, good for the pot.

The spout is

perfectly stitched

采用传统紫砂的磨口工艺,壶身 和壶盖严丝合缝,气密性佳。
Using the traditional purple sand grinding process, the pot body and lid are tightly stitched, and the air tightness is good.


purple clay pot

壶型致敬传统紫砂,稳重大方,器身 采用现代几何设计,块面拼接,紫砂 撞色黄金水,视觉冲击力强。
The shape ofthe pot payhomace to the traditionabaster. robust and gencrous and the body has a modergcomctric design with block splicing and alabasteclashing with the color of gold water for a strong impact.

When broken

the water is smooth

壶嘴呈倒三角形,出汤有力,水流 如注,断水利落,出水顺畅不流涎。
The spout is an inverted triangle, the soup is strong, the water is like a note, the water is broken, the water is smooth, and the water is not salivating.
New Ergonomics
Impeccable mixture between
art and life
realization of your

The word “brand” derives from ancient Norway word “brandr”, which means “imprint”. It vividly expresses the meaning of “brand”, which means “How to leave imprints in the heart of customers?”. Brand is the important relationship between customers and products, which comes from the customers’ cognition, experience, trust and feelings in their daily shopping lives. It is the combination of customers’ feelings. Enterprises will not make profits only with the ability to control production cost. Profits can only be made if the products are purchased by customers. Brand is the power to lead the customers to have the desire to buy, and here comes the power of the brand.The competition of brand belongs to spiritual and psychological competition, which emphasizes on psychological feelings and emotional satisfaction. Brand positioning must reflect the mental requirements of customers.If the enterprise is not powerful in commodity strength and has poor competitive advantage, it is difficult for the enterpriser to realize his dream of added value, which is making high profits. Because of the low added value the enterprise lacks in product research and development, management upgrade and the investment of market expansion. So the enterprise doesn’t have powerful brand competitiveness. As a result, the market competence of products can not compete with that of its competitors and naturally its market value cannot be upgraded resulting in lower added value and weaker competitiveness. Hence, there is difference in the size of enterprises, difference of success and failure between products and difference of strength and weakness between enterprises. In the development of enterprises, brand name has a close relationship with the prices of products, for the prices of products have an influence on the enterprise’s income and profit. Besides the product’s technology and its application, the factors that decide the prices of products include an intangible one, which is the enterprise’s brand name. The huge market in China has become the main market that enterprises jostle with one another for. Enterprises are doomed to survive and fight for development in the same environment regardless of strength, scale and experience. In order to win in the heated competition, enterprises have to concentrate on making “powerful brand”, which helps to create core competitive advantage.The eventual goal of creating powerful brand is to make high profits and realize sustainable and quick development. The repetitive use of intangible assets is a kind of successful low
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